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Minggu, 24 Mei 2015

Artikel Pendidikan : Ten ways to make the learning process interesting


Teacher main job is teaching. It looks simple, but the main challenge is to make students interesting. They won’t be sleepy in the class. They won’t feel boring anymore. So they will listen and watch what the teacher explains with the high concentration. Teacher will be easy to deliver the main points and make the students understand.
Various efforts teacher can apply in the class. In teachers meeting, they can discuss it. Here are the efforts :
1.                  As curriculum 2013 said that students ought to study in group. To make the group works maximum, it has 3 or 4 students in it. The group will discuss the project. It will be done by asking and answering questions.
2.                  Ask the students to present what they have done in front of the class. While presenting, the other students/group will prepare questions to be asked. All of them will concentrate on this activity.
3.                  Point one or two students as an example to explain the subject that you have delivered before. It will sharpen their memory and grow self-confidence. The other will make notes to be asked.
4.                  Teacher can use technology in learning process, like LCD, laptop, etc made in power point with interesting pictures/images or features inside.
5.                  Make the situation of learning process in the class like playing a game. Game likes playing drama, hide and seek of missing words/numbers, searching the place in the globe, making quiz, etc. Game will develop their creativities.
6.                  Ask them to do the test that you have made through the net; in web or blog. Ask them to bring their own laptop or share with their friends.
7.                  Ask them to have a research. It will be done in the laboratory, library, mini bank or mini museum that can be prepared by school. High activity of moving will make them interesting in learning process.
8.                  Invite them to follow outdoor learning process. It can be done in the hall, in the garden, in the sitting points (joglo), walking around the school, etc. The situation and the bright sun make them easily breath. So the brain will be filled with ideas.
9.                  School should have outdoor activity once a year. It’s packed like study tour, nature study, learning to neighbor, etc. Teachers can include the tasks. This outdoor activity will make them busy and learn to be independent.
10.              There is a program ‘sister school’. The school joins a study with others in the same country or abroad. Selected students will be sent to study everything special from the new place. They can exchange their abilities for about three to six months.
When learning process interests them, the students will feel longing to meet not only the teacher but also the teaching. Information and knowledge will be easily caught by their brain as well as teaching inserted five senses and emotion. (kd)

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